Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Movin' On Up

So I have heard the saying sometimes you just have to hit rock bottom before you can come back up again. I used to think that that was just unacceptable. I wanted to succeed at everything and just flow through life. I always thought that life would be so easy, I would get a job get married have babies and live happily ever after. Well I have learned the hard way happily ever after does not come that easy. We all must work for what we want in life and learn from our mistakes and the most important thing is planning. I am so grateful for the struggles I have had, had I not experienced them I would never have learned such a great lesson. Nor would I be so optimistic about our future.

Jordan is almost done with his training and is so very excited. We drove to Salt Lake on Saturday night and arrived at the yard around one a.m. after getting lost and taking the Reno exit. Jordan pulled in an hour later and had to do some post trip inspections before leaving his truck so it was three by the time we left the yard. We finally got to bed at eight a.m. and slept til noon. We had a good Sunday with Papa, we all cuddled on the sofa and watched football. It was a very good day. Monday we had some stuff around the house to take care of and Jordan spent most the day while I was at work, doing the stuff here at home I need my big macho man for.

He had to be on the bus at 5:40 this morning to be to Salt Lake on time to do his load with his trainer and then head to Missouri. She loaded the truck and then was going to pick him up at the truck stop and he ended up sitting at the truck stop for five hours before she picked him up. Something was wrong with the load and they had to unload the trailer and reload it again.

I had a pretty good day at work and I am very excited to be working on getting licensed to sell insurance. There is a lot to learn but I know I can do it and I will do it. Kemper is getting really good with daycare. He runs right in and runs to the lunch table. I drop him off a little bit before I have to work so he can have lunch and play a little bit before nap time. Yesterday he bit a little girl on the arm. I was mortified. Everywhere I go people can't get over how good of a baby he is. Even daycare says they wish every kid were more like Kemper. And then I get a bad report. But I guess it is a phase most kids go through. He is the youngest in the daycare and even though he knows many words. He is not able to stand up for himself or defend himself when another kid is picking on him or taking things from him. So I am not too worried about it. Unless it gets out of control.

Jordan and I have decided to make some big changes in our life and we feel that these changes are necessary and will benefit us in all aspects of our life. We aren't releasing any of the juicy details until we know for sure how it is going to go down but I will keep you all posted!

1 comment:

  1. love your post. you guys will be fine. i am one of the believers that things just have a way of working themselves out. and they will and they do... that pic of you and jordan on the side of your blog is funny! you guys look like you are three sheets to the wind :)
